Reading Profile


I like Science Fiction! After a recent class taught by the science aficionado Carri Genovese, I discovered that Sciene Fiction is not just about alien from Mars taking over the planet or books read by geeky boys with a three eyed robot on the cover with a bikini clad girl. It is so much more books about dystopia, hybrid animals, fantasy books like the chronicle of Narnia, the hunger games and Leviathan.

Reading Profile
For a recent class I was asked to write down my reading profile. What I like and why I liked to read it. I love to read books that scare me. I like to be kept guessing and use my brain. If a book can engage my brain then I am hooked. For the most part my favorite authors are John Sandford, James Patterson, and Suzanne Collins. I loved the hunger games and can't wait to see the movie.

After reading "Girl with the Dragoon tattoo" I have been getting into Swedish Authors who write crime dramas. I never thought about reading books by authors from other countries. It just didn't occur to me. I read a book called "Blindness" by Jose Saramago. It is a great book once you get past the authors personal writing style.

I love suspense books and mysteries and hopefully this class will expanded my reading boundaries. This class should also help offer the inmates better reader's advisory. One thing that is challenging is providing reader's advisory to an inmate and knowing the limitations of the library's collection. I know I could offer several different authors that an inmate would like but because we have such a barren collection it becomes difficult. 


  1. The Scandinavian countries are known for outstanding crime writing - how great that you are starting to read authors from other counties! I love the idea of incidental learning - learning by accident from things that are fun like reading novels or playing games.

    We should have a book drive for your library.

    1. YES! YES! YES, we should have a book drive for my library. I would love that. Especially if we could get some students involved.

      I would love to take the class on a tour of the jail sometime.
